The KiTa


We offer childcare for children under three years old (“Krippe”) as well as for kids over three years of age (“Kindergarten”).

Our day care is workplace-related: children whose parents are working at the UKGM or in departments of the Philipps University Marburg situated on the “Lahnberge” are prioritized when spaces are allotted.

Due to the special location of the Kita the UKGM has the right to occupy 20 spaces in the day care. The allocation of the “clinic” spaces is organised by UKGM’s family service. Its contact data are: phone no. + 49 / 64 21 / 58 – 65 68 6, fax no. + 49 / 64 21 / 58 – 65 68 7, e-mail:

As soon as we can project a free space fitting your requirements, we will contact you via phone and in writing in order to invite you to an admission interview. Your child has a space once all parties have signed the day care contract.

The Kita is located in the basement of the Dr. Reinfried Pohl Centre for Medical Education near the university’s canteen / cafeteria. You can reach us via public transport on the bus lines 2, 9, 11, 27 and 75, stops „Universitätsklinikum“ and „Hans-Meerwein-Straße.“

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