Transition period

Transition period

„No learning without a relationship – that’s how the major importance of a bond between the teacher and the learning child is described in a nutshell.“ (Anette Wasseroth)

The entrance into Krippe is an important step for the whole family.

A successful transition period is decisive for the future learning, education and care of the child. Leaving your child with the Kita is sometimes experienced as painful - it may be a situation of stress for both children and parents. Consequently, it is very important to handle this period gently and attentively in order to make it a success.

Our transition period is based on the “Munich model”. Normally the process takes 4-8 weeks, whereby every transition is unique and occurs individually. Therefore, the parents should plan to have enough time before returning to work.

During the process the child attends the Krippe together with an attachment figure from its family (usually mother or father) and it takes part in the every-day life of its group.

The child sets the pace of this process. The teachers watch the child attentively and discuss with the parents on how to proceed based on the child’s needs.

As soon as the child can anticipate and participate in the daily routines – either by interacting with the personnel or with the group’s other children – it has obtained enough confidence and certainty for the first separation. The attachment figure has to remain within the building during this time. The periods of separation and the absence of the attachment figure is prolonged step by step in agreement with the parents. At the end of this process, the parents must be available by phone so they can quickly return to the Kita, if necessary.

The process is over once the child has developed a strong attachment to the teacher – which means it can be consoled when sad, be fed and changed, desires physical contact and feels a sense of security.

The aim of this process is not that a child can “stand” being at the Kita for longer amounts of time each day without its attachment figure, but for it to discover the time here as enriching.

A day at the Krippe is long and taxing for small children. According to our experience they are exhausted after six hours – so we recommend for Krippe children to be picked up at/before three p.m.

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