

Our day care offers childcare for children under three years old (“Krippe”) as well as for kids over three years of age (“Kindergarten”).

The Krippe provides 40 full-time spaces for kids over six months old.

The kids are cared for in four heterogeneous groups of ten children per group. Each group has three qualified teachers.

The Kindergarten of the Anneliese-Pohl Kita offers 35 full-time spaces for kids starting at the age of three until they start primary school.

There is a “house group” and a “forest” kindergarten group.

Our day care provides a safe and age appropriate environment that fosters learning. In addition to a large group room, each group has its own sanitary room and separate napping area. The spacious and bright hallways offer additional opportunities for playing and learning. Moreover, we have a multipurpose room and a “creative” room as well as a big outdoor area adjoining the forest.

Our day care is workplace-related: children whose parents are working at the UKGM or in departments of the Philipps University Marburg situated on the “Lahnberge” are prioritized when spaces are allotted.


Anneliese Pohl Kindertagesstätte

Conradistraße 7
DE - 35043 Marburg

Phone: 06421/ 282 1970
Fax: 06421/ 282 1958
Mail: team@apo.kjhm.de


Isabel Roeske und Jonas Hutfilter (director)
B.A. Lina-Marie Seibert (deputy director)
Consultation hours by appointment only

What’s important to us

  • To value each child and provide education based on individual needs
  • A gradual transition period
  • Working with the parents
  • Time and a place to talk
  • A highly qualified staff

What we have to offer

  • A structured setting with daily routines and constant attachment figures for the children
  • We meet the educational standards according to “Bildungs- und Erziehungsplan (BEP) Hessen”
  • We promote regular physical activity
  • We encourage a child’s individuality in development
  • Regular parent-teacher conferences
  • Projects
  • Large outdoor play area near the forest

Opening hours

  • 4 groups (children under 3): 7:00- 17:00
  • 1 group (children over 3): 7:00- 17:00
  • 1 forest group (children over 3): 7:00-17:00
  • Early drop-off: 6:45-7:00,
  • Late pick-up: 17:00-17:15

Closure dates

  • 3 weeks during the summer break
  • Between Christmas and the New Year
  • All public holidays in Hessen

Feeling secure and comfortable

At birth each child is a complete and full-fledged being.
Every child is unique and full of feelings.
Kids have their own ideas, perceptions, thoughts, aims and intentions.

A child has the competence to learn and to act on its own accord, at its own pace and according to its own interests. As active learners, children discover their world in co-constructive relationships.

They are curious as well as inquisitive and they use all of their senses for learning.


The Kita is located in the basement of the Dr. Reinfried Pohl Centre for Medical Education near the university’s canteen / cafeteria.

picture gallery


Groups of under three year-olds:
beavers and dragons,
lions and foxes
Kindergarden groups:
girafes and boars

picture gallery

Outdoor area

The outdoor area adjoining the forest with its swings, sand boxes, slides and generous open areas encourages physical activity and relaxing.

picture gallery


We are a multiprofessional team featuring mutual respect, skilled co-operation and great sensitivity.

picture gallery

Parents‘ participation

The members of the parents‘ association (“Elternbeirat”) are elected by the parents each year. The parent association supports the Kita in its educational work and its representatives speak for the children and parents.

The contact data of the representatives are posted near the door of each group.


Monthly fees for children under three years old:

  • Attendance up to 45 hours / week: 142 €
  • Attendance 45 hours + / week: 175 €
  • + lunch and snack 59 €
  • + breakfast 10 €

Monthly fees for children three years and older:

  • lunch and snack 59 €

More information..


Due to the Corona pandemic the children are currently kept in fixed groups of under and over three-year olds.

Each group has its own playing, napping and sanitary areas, so the contacts are limited to their respective group.

More information...


Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Marburg e.V.

The association „Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Marburg e.V.“ was founded in 2011. Its institutional members are the university medical centre Gießen-Marburg (UKGM), the Philipps University Marburg (PUM), the Dr. Reinfried Pohl foundation and the city of Marburg.



Do you want to enroll your child at our kita?

Please make an appointment with our directors Isabel Roeske and Jonas Hutfilter (phone + 49 / 64 21 / 2 82 19 70; e-mail: team@apo.kjhm.de). You can visit the Kita by appointment only – usually on Wednesday afternoons after 2.30 p.m.

More information...


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    Anneliese Pohl Kindertagesstätte

    Conradistraße 7
    DE - 35043 Marburg

    Phone: +49/ 6421/ 282 1970
    E-Mail: leitung@apo.kjhm.de

    Contact Person

    Isabel Roeske and Jonas Hutfilter (directors)
    B.A. Lina-Marie Seibert (deputy director)
    by appointment only

    Opening Hours

    • Four Krippe groups: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    • Two Kindergarten groups: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    • If enrolled: 6.45 -7 a.m., 5-5.15 p.m.

    Supported by:

    How to find us

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